Our mission

Our priority and biggest passion is the creation of safe and comfortable places.
We know that building anything, regardless of the type of a structure, is a real challenge.

. We use our knowledge to help as early as during the design stages. We propose appropriate devices which ensure not only comfort, but also the most important thing for everyone – security. Our passion combined with over 20 years of experience make it possible to realise even the most refined dreams. We approach every project individually and create “tailored” buildings, adjusted to the needs of the investors. Regardless of their location, the users can change the settings of the building via a control panel, computer, tablet or phone. Thanks to this feature, the whole intelligent investment is integrated and under control. With the intelligent KNX system, even the simplest everyday activities are special. The building cares about your positive mood, creating a pleasant atmosphere consisting of light compositions, music, colours and temperature.

We pursue up-to-date solutions on the technological market which aim at serving people. We know how to select an ideal device to guarantee higher comfort of living and facilitate the organisation of everyday activities. We design and implement intelligent installations so that they do not cause any problems for the users. The selection of INLOGIC guarantees full satisfaction.

Press about us

ARCH – dwumiesięcznik SARP - Inteligentne obiekty użyteczności publicznej
ABB - Jedna z najnowocześniejszych fabryk książek z systemem automatyki budynkowej ABB
Architektura Murator – Inteligentny wymiar architektury
Builder Polska - Złoty Partner ABB dla INLOGIC
ABB - Szkoła w Żukowie z najnowocześniejszym systemem automatyki budynkowej od ABB
Architektura Murator – Kwestia dźwięku w inteligentnej architekturze
ABB – Nowoczesne centra kultury z automatyką budynkową ABB
Prestiż - Akiko i Giniewska w INLOGIC
Prestiż - Fakty i mity inteligentnego domu
Prestiż - Inteligentne zabezpieczenia
Najlepszedomy.pl - Multiroom – inteligentne zarządzanie muzyką
MM trendy - Inteligentna architektura w nowoczesnym domu
Prestiż - INLOGIC, twój dom przyszłości
Dzisiaj - Nowe znaczenie komfortu
MM Trendy - 20-lecie firmy INLOGIC
Prestiż - 20 lat INLOGIC w Polsce
W Szczecinie - Jubileusz i nowa siedziba
Prestiż - Inteligentny i praktyczny

Files to download


Logo - colored EPS, PNG
Logo - black and white EPS, PNG


Catalog in Polish
Catalog in English
Catalog in German